I'm pretty bullish on mini-miners + solar. In my ideal world, when you buy your solar system it includes a mini-miner to utilize excess capacity.
This could be a big boom to the solar panel companies as they would probably run the mining pool. Maybe this also reduces acquisition cost of solar systems as you will be generating revenue for them forever....
The public markets would love this idea as its highly invest-able. I hope it happens...
That's similar to how I'm thinking about it. The resilience afforded by supplying your own electricity is wonderful. Large scale solar doesn't make sense to me. Small scale, absolutely.
Solar energy is legit and usable?
It’s not propaganda?
I think it is legit and usable on a small scale. I loved living on solar. We lacked nothing and had an abundance of energy many days.
Large scale and government subsidized I think it's a shitcoin.
Good to know