So Lyn Alden had some thoughts on the shipping industry. The interesting thing about the shipbuilding industry, is which major country/region has basically no market share in it.
So why is the US missing and why? Some additional thoughts here:
I feel this could be a huge Achilles heel. We need to play nice with those in the game or it will be crushing to our nation.
What are your thoughts?
The chart measures CGT, Container Gross Tonnage. This is a subset of GT, Gross Tonnage which is calculated based on "the moulded volume of all enclosed spaces of the ship". This chart measures the countries of origin of top manufacturers of container ships.
An aircraft carrier, as an example, would have comparatively low CGT.
Didn’t realize that, thanks for sharing your insights!
Jones Act
Looked that up and yeah make the laws, own the jaws!
The US has a massive trade imbalance. They buy way more than they sell and export freshly printed dollars.
I suspect the proportions of those bars are similar to the actual import flows, meaning those who import goods into the US are the ones doing the shipping.
Why? Because the US knows how badly the world needs dollars, so they can afford to just wait for stuff to be brought to them.
Yup the US shifted over the years from a net producer to a net consumer. The all mighty Fiat dollar is cracking at the seams…
Don't think the numbers matter. It's not always about quantity, it's the quality. And China can't stand the quality that America boasts of. Else, why would China let US Naval ships in the South China Sea for years now.
Great point. Let’s see how it plays out in the next few years!