One has to question at what point she is being wilfully blind to the questions being asked of her.
I think this is a real time version of that classic idea that you can’t make somebody understand something if their job is to not understand it.
She also has a bee in her bonnet about the memes being shared about her, misunderstanding the nature of Twitter and how people interact in that space. Though perhaps these seeming “attacks” are what turns her off the “whole thing“, and prompts her to use language such as “Bitcoin Bros“.
The icing on the cake is her responding to criticism that she doesn’t understand Bitcoin, by saying that she has experience of NFTs 🤦‍♂️.
The best thing about all of this is that is if she were to spend some time reading up on and addressing the question about what money actually is, the Bitcoiners would trumpet her to the clouds, which I think is what she is afraid of. Certainly it would not be good for her financial journalism career.
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