After being asked several times to publish my essays, I decided to make the first drafts available for public consumption and comment. I wrote these essays in response to the topics and ideas people would talk about at my weekly meetup, Bitcoin Brunch. My goal is to write 100 of these essays.
130 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 17 Mar
It’s definitely selfish but you should copy future ones here!
I started posting a while ago, but that didn't get much attention. Perhaps I'll start posting them again, I could do one a day for the next 96 days!
‘ The tragedy of this system is that fiat creates money from the time of the people trapped by it. ‘
‘ Our social beliefs necessarily get in the way of an accurate understanding of reality. ‘
‘ If bitcoin represents the future of money then bitcoin also represents the future of socially valuing art. ‘
‘ If… we further dedicate our priceless time to building our futures in other peoples playgrounds I have no doubt they will continue using us like their play-toys. ‘
Bookmarked. I am very selective about bookmarking sites. Looks compelling.
I have written these over the last year and a half. While I don't think every essay will appeal to every person, I think there's something in there for everyone. My intention isn't so much to have people agree with me, as to think about things and question preconception.
Ooh, this looks like a little treasure trove!
‘ Our society developed moral values in a world of physical scarcity, both natural and imposed…
Imposed scarcity suffers from emergent black markets because government violence can't reach everywhere all the time….
True scarcity cannot come from violence. The reliance on energy to mine bitcoin represents the analog between digital and physical world, the source of true scarcity in the digital landscape.’
I think I've got treasures like that throughout my writings, though not necessarily in every single one.