This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Some stats after each 5,000 items.
SN Item #1: Jun 11, 2021 SN Item #5,000: Nov 15, 2021 (157 days since Jun 11, 2021) 32 / day SN Item #10,000: Feb 3, 2022 (80 days since Nov 15, 2021) 62 / day SN Item #15,000: Mar 17, 2022 (42 days since Feb 3, 2022) 119 / day SN Item #20,000: Apri 14, 2022 (28 days since Mar 17, 2022) 178 / day SN Item #25,000: May 3, 2022 ( 19 days since Apr 14, 2022) 263 / day SN Item #30,000: May 20, 2022 (17 days since Mar 3, 2022) 294 / day SN Item #35,000: Jun 8, 2022 (19 days since May 20, 2022) 263 / day SN Item #40,000: Jun 30, 2022 (22 days since Jun 8, 2022) 227 / day SN Item #45,000: Jul 13, 2022 (13 days since Jun 30, 2022) 384 / day
How hot is it where you guys live? I live in the Southern US and its about 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43 degrees Celsius) in my area.
It was supposed to be 32 celsiius today but it was only 28 so crisis averted i guess.
103 in Austin today
looking forward to bitcoin dinner tonight at meteor, they have really great burgers
Being able to convert mmorpg items and currency back and forth between BTC using lightning could be huge. Not excactly street legal in some/most cases, but still.
Seeing Square Enix join the ZEBEDEE founding round was exciting to see
whats up stackers good morning! I LOVE WORKING WITH BITCOINERS HAHA happy tuesday!! Thank you @k00b for dedicating so much time for improvements
Another half-night of sleep due to the PartyBnB. In the solutions department, we've finally begun looking at other rentals. My main concern is ending up in another neighbor nightmare which is hard to control for.
Over the last week I shipped this unannounced stuff:
  • improved markdown stuff
    • better headings
    • hovering on headings gives you a link to them
    • images now get larger on click
    • posts with headings now have a table of contents (to the right of the post title when you're viewing the post)
  • user rewards are now included in /top/users/stacked/week
Going to spend the next few days doing an iteration on ~jobs. If anyone has any improvements they'd like to see lmk.
I'm thinking about reworking rewards:
  • 1/3 goes to top comments
  • 1/6 top posts
  • 1/4 comment upvoters
  • 1/4 post upvoters
Reason being, top posts already get quite a bit of love.
50% seems steep for upvoting rewards.
I’d argue that creators should be compensated more to encourage really high quality content on Stacker News.
The good content is already finding its way to the top of the page, but I think we could use more of it.
Fair point. I still feel like people under-upvote though, but I need to think it through more.
I wonder if this is a Bitcoin-specific issue. Bitcoiners are already taught to never sell their Bitcoin and spending sats incurs a capital gain tax for people in most countries.
There is likely a group of people on SN who so strongly oppose the idea of spending sats that there is no possible reward that could justify that action.
Good topic to explore in more user interviews 🤔.
posts with headings now have a table of contents (to the right of the post title when you're viewing the post)
Oh, I see it now. Here's a post with that:
What do I need this bitcoin for? 🔦 #46555
Bitcoin is getting so old that even Roger and CSW are probably tempted to call younger shitcoiners scammers 🤣
I found VoltPay App today and I was also very excited to try out Bolt Cards. Does anyone know how to build your own Bolt Cards?
you can build a primitive version of the bolt cards using any service that offers lnurl withdraw, you can then take that lnurl withdraw and write it to a generic nfc tag using an app like nfc tools. This would then work with all the supported nfc lnurl withdraw apps/service (such as VoltPay, BTCPayerServer, Breez). Happy tinkering!âš¡
I saw there is one video about how to write to NFC card/tag using amazing!
let me know if you run into any issues, always happy to help
thanks boss!