And why are you calling it something different when it comes to installing programs on Android or iPhone?
Windows Store is Best0.0%
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Are there any differences between the two ways to install?
No. This post is a commentary on the psyop of "sideloading". We used to just call this "installing a program", but to protect users from downloading viruses from softonic (and to line their pockets) app stores were created for mobile devices to denormalize installing programs downloaded from a web browser so that users would install programs downloaded from one source instead.
The problem with this, is that when I download an apk from its github repo or download a reputable app from the apps website (as people do with google chrome on windows all the time) on android they call this sideloading.
This is something that could have happened naturally as it happened with steam. Games installed from a store are convenient in that case and apps that don't want to agree to steam's rules like minecraft can still be downloaded from their website online without a psyop about how you're sideloading minecraft.
The reason that I "sideload" is because very often my "sideloaded" app doesn't have google play spyware as on my current phone I don't have google play installed at all.
Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.
Trick question, google chrome isn't even in the microsoft app store lmao