Interesting! I’m new to the W3C recommendation process, what might this recommendation do for the teams like Block building Web5 and TBD?
Not much really, it's just a stamp that specs get normally after going through a working group if they have 2 or more implementations
In this case some large companies objected to it, but that was overturned.
reply — 19 July 2022 — The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has announced that Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0 is now an official Web standard. This new type of verifiable identifier, which does not require a centralized registry, will enable both individuals and organizations to take greater control of their online information and relationships while also providing greater security and privacy.
Are these compatible?
i believe this is exactly what Block is working on, their head of decentralized identity is quoted in the testimonials of the original link.
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