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L.P. Hartley wrote "The Past is a foreign country; they do things differently there," and while I could probably navigate my way around reasonably well, it would still be lacking much of what I like about the present (and it'd take me too long to get to the lifestyle I'd like, even with all those World Series and Super Bowl bets).
The future's even more foreign, though. I've seen how tech has changed in 50 years, and can't imagine it would be easy to adjust without a huge amount of culture shock.
So I'd take the $100 mil.
Jesus this is an amazing question! I love it. Did you make it up yourself?
I can't decide, except I know which one I for sure would not pick. Hmm.
Such a good question.
Okay, I picked. First, I was assuming that the travel into the past / future would mean that I went there and stayed there. With that out of the way, here's my logic:
  • I wouldn't go into the future because I think it will be hugely foreign, almost certainly too foreign to adapt to without going mad.
  • I was tempted to go to the past, since, given time, I could probably amass $100m just knowing what I already know, and then could influence the world for the better (or so I believe -- obviously hugely biased.) But I'm assuming I would be the age I am now, and I wouldn't want to wait fifteen years to have a ton of money.
  • So I picked to have the money now, with the assumption that I could be highly useful and do some high-leverage stuff in that circumstance.
I made the same choice and had many of the same thoughts. Ultimately, though, it was just that my family is here in this time.
50 years in the future you might just be able to retire on your stack.
I thought I was retiring on my stack in 50 days and buying the Knoxville smokies?
You might be, but you've got a multi-year head start on me.
I'm imagining the mining orbitals in The Expanse except even weirder. Once they figured out I had btc they'd harvest my guts and put me in some kind of pod.
i actually saw this image on twitter, Tim Urban shared it today
Easy one. I'm much too attached to modern conveniences like video games to be happy 50 years in the past, and there's way too much uncertainty about what it'll be like 50 years into the future. $100 million lets me continue my life as it is now, but with a much higher quality of life.
50 years in the past. If I am to stay my same age then it wouldn’t be worth it. But if my age stops until I catch up to the present then I would go back to the past.
Might sound stupid but maybe I can try and prevent some wars. Try to find those who impact the future and try for a better outcome.
If all else fails I would love to see how the world would unfold with one person going back to the past. How will that change the course of the future.
The $100M in the present seems nice but I would be kicking myself about having the chance to solve life’s biggest mysteries. Like who did kill JFK? I would go right to the scene of the crime and see it unfold for myself. I guess I’m more hungry for knowledge then personal wealth
I am not God, but I can use $100 million while I'm here on earth.
The three options change your life dramatically.
I choose the $100 million so that I can create a better future, based on what I value most, instead of simply arriving to an unknown future.
4th option: Be 18 years old again today with all your memories intact.
I'd choose #4 if I could, but if not I really want to see what 50 years from now will be like so I choose that over simply being rich.
I can't even fathom why someone would choose to go back to 1974. Just in time to be drafted for 'Nam, right? Fun fun fun...
I can't even fathom why someone would choose to go back to 1974. Just in time to be drafted for 'Nam,
people who live in "the rest of the world" might
100 million travel 50 years into the past and have no Bitcoin? no thanks :D and travel into the future is very scary
if you go 50 years into the past you can create bitcoin 🤯
I'm not sure about that.
One thing is the knowledge needed to create it, which, OK, you might be able to obtain today and travel back with it inside your brain. Let's assume you can.
Another hurdle is the computational power used for Bitcoin. All the constants were "just right" for the computational power at the time. I am not sure if you can come up with another set of constants, 50 years in the past.
Also, the network effect. 50 years ago, very few people were online, if any. You need peers to make Bitcoin a reality. Even in 2009 it was very rare that it worked, 50 years ago it might be impossible.
oh... haha you are right but 50 years is too many, I would have to wait for internet and better computers first, and I would be old. and then I would have to disappear like Satoshi, otherwise it would not be Bitcoin.
Great question
I am cool living in the present. I will take the 100M. I will buy a bunch of bitcoin with it and go on an insane zapping spree Brewster’s Millions style.
$ now and create my own future!
Take my bitcoin with me into the future, sell a part of it and become a cyborg.
Traveling 50 years into the past with your mind intact and 50 years of foresight is worth way waaaaay more than just $100 million cuckbucks.
Still I think I'd rather take door "50 years into the future". It's the most based/exciting of the three options.
Take money and buy more bitcoin.
Definitely not travel 50 years to a miserable, pre-Bitcoin world.
And I don't want to travel into the future and lose my friends. However attractive the foreignness and high-techness may seem.
So 100m cuck bucks it is. In cash please, so I don't have to pay tax on it. But I'd have to learn how to use Bisq.
50 years back in any place I want? Otherwise, I would ended again in a communist country with the brutal ongoing normalization - so, no, thank you. I would take money.
Fact: We are living in today.
100 million, no doubt! 😂
I'd rather have 100 million dollars now than the ability to travel to the past or the future. Traveling through time is risky, and there's no guarantee that things will be better in the future. Plus, I could do a lot with 100 million right now, like buy Bitcoin and become even richer! Ahahaha
If there was 1$ or anything else in the middle, I’ll probably continue being firm on staying in the present and enjoy it as much as I can
Wouldn't mind going back to 2009 so I could watch Bitcoin being born. And own a shitton more of it. #mining
To travel in the time you have to move faster than light. I'd rather take money and convert it to the lights
Gimme the hundred milly.
Had to go for the one hundo, pleb
Past? Sucks. Future for most pasts? Sucks. Give me the money and I’ll make my way to a better future.