Here here.
I learned this in a very different way, however. I'm married to someone who must be right so often that it's basically an automatic argument when I offer my own opinion on any subject at all.
Even if I have direct evidence of something that she doesn't know about yet, simply presenting that evidence will make me wrong because how dare I go against her position! I swear, it's like I'm living in a Chinese emperor's court or something...
Anywho, the only way our marriage has survived is by me learning to shut up and listen... To learn her perspective completely. And when I do that & still realize that she's simply uniformed on the subject, I then have to find a way to let HER discover the contrasting information instead of just presenting it to her.
It takes a lot of playing dumb which, unfortunately, just enforces her decision that she's always right.
That is a great example. I feel you on that.