pull down to refresh

Absolutely. Common phrases in English support this notion: Grease the wheels, grease the palm (bribe), throw money at the problem (to get it unstuck), money makes the world go round, etc.
An interesting orthogonal question would be to ask what applications of value transfer does Bitcoin unlock that are simply not feasible with fiat? For example, micro-transactions. We cannot use PayPal or credit cards or even cash for any single transaction under $0.01. Far higher for credit cards. Additionally, credit cards and PayPal have rigid onboarding requirements. One needs a bank account for starters. But right here on @sn, we regularly transact with zaps that are less than a penny. And there are certainly people that are unbanked or have de-banked themselves. Also, in the the world of IoT we will likely require micro-transactions to keep the swarm "lubricated".
yeah great point, i think it’s likely that a better lubricant opens up totally new opportunities that grow the entire economy.