Recently I ran into the same problem when I did a recovery of funds on Voltage, where they use LND. It uses the aezeed cipher seed scheme. So I tried on Blue wallet, didn't show up everything, looked up a way to do it manually to translate it to the "normal" scheme. There was also Blixt which could do it for me automatically. Lastly, Green also do things in a particular way, it says multisig but not the usual way, so people indeed have compatibility issues.
Bip39 and 44 scheme is pretty much standard I think and should work with most of the software wallets.
It is very much a subjective opinion but as a user-friendly option I think Trezor with the touch screen is quite easy to use. For 2fa also on Bitwarden I set it up as a recovery option and the flow is quite nice, with colors.
Ah well, if we go with Lightning on top, we're not out of the woods :D Glad you did fix your issue .)