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By Marina Rocha
While some libertarians and conservatives have promoted school choice as a way to “improve” government education, Murray Rothbard understood that the system of government schools cannot be reformed.
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Here's an article I wrote about public schools:
"Innovators and creative geniuses cannot be reared in schools. They are precisely the men who defy what the school has taught them." ~ Ludwig von Mises
Sending a child to school is a sacrifice of control, theoretically in exchange for a better experience than the parent can provide alone. Since students aren't receiving that at school, parents are re-evaluating. But those who consider alternatives are often at odds with others, even their own parents—because community elders remember an American school that no longer exists.
State education cannot be fixed. It doesn't want or need to be fixed because it is not broken, it is working exactly as intended. People need to stop handing their precious children over to be raised, programmed and controlled by the state. The very entity that considers them an enemy. When you look at the evidence, this is indisputable.
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Taxing families is literally taking away their economic options. Nothing is free.
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Try actually going to one of these wonderful government schools that serve the poor and then tell me who doesn't "give a rats fuck about you".
There are low-cost private schools all throughout the developing world, where parents are orders of magnitude poorer than anyone in America. Most American private schools charge less in tuition than the average cost per student of government school, while achieving better outcomes. Even homeschooling is more effective than government school and that has no tuition. And, finally, abolishing government school doesn't even have to mean ending government funding for school children: that's the entire point of the voucher movement.
I have seen, first hand, over many, many years the damage done to children (who grow into damaged adults) by public state/government schooling. I confirm, without doubt, that state school is rigged against those it claims to help. The state does not, as you say, "give a rats fuck" about the common fiat slave. Teachers who finally see the system can never be "fixed", is not broken but, in fact, specifically designed to keep citizens uneducated quit disillusioned, leaving behind the largely naive, brainwashed unintelligent ones, who are still in deep slumber (with few exceptions). These ones are not going to help your children become curious, life long learners & critical thinkers as they blindly follow rules & never question the whole bullshit system themselves.
If the aim is to simply have individuals with a basic standard of written and mathematical literacy, that is very easily achieved! And yet, this basic objective is staggeringly being failed to be implemented across the developed world! That is because it is not designed to produce educated citizens. It is designed to produce brainwashed slaves, who follow orders. The "education system" is a con (a confidence trick). It is exists to achieve the opposite.
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You show me the data, since you're saying I need to be expropriated in order to achieve your goals. If that's not backed by anything other than empty assertions, then leave me alone. The burden of proof is on the expropriator not the expropriated.