I considered them. I took Auburn. My logic was stay in the 4-6 seed range for first round and on UConn’s bracket since those teams won’t likely make a miraculous run to final four and leave me in a tight spot. You already took BYU and it’s lame to have the same pick in the first round when so many teams are available. San Diego State sounded like a place people go to school to enjoy nice weather and meet hot girls not play basketball and Auburn was playing Yale so I went Auburn.
Highly scientific strategy.
Auburn is ranked 4 in Ken Pom
Where was Kentucky ranked?
Still a big upset.
I didn't give any thought to what was down-bracket. If I survive to the next round I should probably do that.
It could get interesting if we have a lot of players reach final four or championship game.
I almost went TCU to really build up those tie-breaker points. They're pretty heavy favorites as a lower seeded team.
The horned frogs. They are a big thing where my wife’s dad and sister live.
On another note. The field is not looking good for me in the MVP wager. Jokic 35 points and 16 rebounds against the TWolves last night. Ant Man had a great game but Joker still outplayed him. Ugh,
Luka's been awesome, though.
Yes but not last night. Well points wise. He had alot of rebounds and assists.
Didn't Jokic say that Luka should win MVP?
I haven't caught up on the last few days of basketball yet. I heard Kyrie made an insane game winner.
Ouch famous last words. On the bright side you won the pick em.
Stupid Vegas! My gut told me Mormons can't play basketball.
I was reading an article late last night that said 11 seeds are the new 12 seeds, who were previously known for early round upsets. Guess it was so.