  • Bisq 2 is a desktop application that works across platforms.
  • Bisq 2 allows users to choose between multiple trading protocols to find the best fit for their preference. Aspects like privacy and security, convenience, costs and trade duration will differ and the user can make the choice.
  • Bisq 2 is a peer-to-peer network the enables users to find people to trade with, make and take offers to buy and sell bitcoin, communicate with their trading peers and when necessary access support.
  • Bisq 2 is privacy focused, no verified accounts or KYC will be required and run over the Tor network (as well as I2P in future).
  • Bisq 2 is self custodial. Your keys are always under your control.
  • Bisq 2 is open source (AGPL) and built and maintained by contributors who form the Bisq DAO.