Still working (and ready to share a link this time) on Satonomics, a free and open-source alternative to Glassnode (Bitcoin on-chain data) which will be in the future self-hostable.
Quit me (first) job to work full-time on this in November and it's been going great ! I'm not sure yet how I'll earn a living but I guess we'll see.
Sadly, I just realized that while I wanted to minimize the network transfers. Height datasets are too slow, there aren't perfectly optimized but still, I'll have to move the datasets logic to the back-end which will take some time. The silver lining is that I'll be able to add a dashboard similar to Clark's much more easily !
@Car - Here's an update since you were interested !
Looks pretty cool, great proof of work!
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @Car 20 Mar
this is sic 🔥🔥🔥
Looks very cool 🤙
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 20 Mar
this is incredible, nice work!
Thanks a lot !
Quit me > Quit my there aren't > they aren't Ahh typos..