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There are things I will never be able to do. There are also things I have done that I never thought I would be able to do. There is one lesson I have learned over the years related to this. If I say I can't do something I have just guaranteed myself I never will. I have accepted it. I have given myself permission to not even try. But mindset can be a powerful thing. Over the years my wife has always stopped me many times when I would say I can't do something. She will say, sure you can. You just need to try. When we say I can't, we usually mean I don't want to try. And we are giving ourselves an out. We are making an excuse for not trying. I once heard Jack Spirko say, "Don't say I can't. Say how can I." It is easy to make excuses but it is rewarding to find a way.
Stop saying I can't. Start saying how can I. Sure, there are things that are impossible but most things we just give up on before we even try. Don't kid yourself. If you just don't want to do something then don't do it. Be honest. That's OK. Maybe you don't want to spend the time each day to learn an instrument. Maybe you don't want to work nights and weekends to prepare yourself for a new career path. But don't kid yourself. We are capable of far more than we believe. It starts in our head and with what we tell ourselves. Start thinking, how can do what I want to do?
Hope this helps someone.
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Whether you think you can, or you think you can't — you're right.
Henry ford.
A quote fixed to my wall when I grew up, and I hate it because it's annoyingly true.
When you start saying things like I can't or I'm tired your speaking to your subconsciense or better term your soul it can't tell right from wrong it's like soil you can plant a weed or plant wheat the soil is going to grow either one when you say things like I can't your brain stops thinking of ways to do it a man can have as many as 1000 ideas a day all you need is for one to work. Anyone reading this should listen to this its called the strangest secret by earl nightingale on youtube https://youtu.be/l1gXZu1i8TM?si=2oZ1OqUFjTYe3KdE
Well said. Not seen this video but you are right in my experience. Thanks.
Check it out when u get the chance it's awesome 👌 very encouraging and just real I appreciated this post u posted
This is so true. Especially when you know you need to change careers. The first step is always the hardest, and it gets easier from there. 99% of the time, it is just getting up and starting that will start you on the right path.
Except crime, you can do anything.