Nietschze's conception of creativity will be tested as LLM's get better, as lots of 'ideas' can be generated systematically. i.e. What if I aardvark + aardvark? What if I aardvark + apple? etc.
Many creatives live chaotically, but that may be due to the inability for most of society to nurture / reinforce their identity to social stability as neurodivergents. I don't know that its the key to the creativity itself.
The way I'm thinking about it right now at least, it requires a willingness to think anywhere. Relevance is still an important regulator, keeping within the bounds needed to ensure the result is interesting to anyone.
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The willingness to break with conventions in thinking was at the heart of Nietzsche's philosophy. He called it philosophizing with a hammer. This is the prerequisite for social evolution, no matter what technology we use.