This is a huge news from the global perspective. While all other top leaders around the globe are just busy adding some fuel to the Russia-Ukraine, India PM Modi seems to be the only leader calling for peace and dialogue between the two nations.
PM Modi congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin again in a phone conversation on Thursday for his "landslide" victory. Within a few hours, he also spoke to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and reiterated to both leaders India's consistent position for resolution of the Russia-Ukraine conflict through dialogue and diplomacy.
Both Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Russian President Vladimir Putin invited PM Modi to their respective countries after parliament elections are over.
If Modi visits the two nations after the elections, I am sure it will calm down the conflict to great levels. Modi's charismatic personality, [India's strategic neutrality](] and his great friendship with Putin makes him the best suitable leader who can mediate between Russia and Ukraine.
It is a proxy war!
it is not Ukraine!
Nobody can ;)
Yes, you're right about proxy war but I highly believe that Modi can be the man who can handle everything, even all the proxies.