It was definitely something to do with time, a clock or a watch or something like that.
It's weird how the strangest thing can jog the memory into some really niche TV show haha 🤣
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I just confirmed, it's this device that looks like a 'taser'. Memory is incredible, we can go years without thinking about a certain thing and then just a small click is enough to remind us, truly amazing.
What a blast from the past 🤣🤣 shoulda held onto this gem for throwback Thursday 🤣🤣 thanks for reminding me of that, I might go and try to dig it out on YouTube or somewhere and rewatch it.
I dug it up from the depths of my memory. ahahah
Whoops! I forgot to attach the image in my previous post. Here it is, finally!
Haha!! 🤣🤣 That's it!! Wow that was a trip down memory lane I wasn't expecting.