I meant the App Store. Apple controls its own App Store
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @xz 21 Mar
Ah, I guessed that you were making a different point. Just trying to convey my own feeling with Apple (not trying to manufacture an argument or play devil's advocate.) Absolutely. As far as appstores go, it should be under complete control (or no control) as they decide. Just like a physical store.
I guess following that analogy, it strikes me that in the same way we used to see lots of independent mom and pop stores selling whatever they chose, they all got bought out and are now chainstores providing the same function but more uniform in their offerings. It's just the monopolization part which annoys me.
Regarding mom and pop stores I guess it depends on the product or service.
Or small chains vs mega chains ⛓️
I understand app makers are upset with Apple for its high commission and approval process
The department of justice will make the situation worse. I guess it’s a sign that Apple and iPhone are ubiquitous