Funny how shitcoins always re-invent themselves for each Bitcoin bull market. I saw Ordinals coming as this bull run's disguise from the first time Udi wore a wizard hat.
People, and by people I mean scammers, are endlessly creative. It's extremely likely that they will keep finding new branding/marketing tricks to sell their shitcoins every single bullrun from now through hyperbitcoinization.
It's equally as likely that more and more mainstream applications come to appreciate the fact that bitcoin's blockchain is the most secure & accessible way to store their important data that mankind has ever invented... We'll certainly be worried about more than altcoins bloating our blockchain in the future!
What we need to do is become proactive about demanding for everyone to use a layer-two solution such as OpenTimestamps instead of putting junk directly on the blockchain. They can timestamp their precious data and store it in torrents or something; no need to spend all that money to store it on my node!