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Canada is a wonderful place, I don't know how it got to this point, I'm not very well versed in the situation in Canada, but does it have anything to do with the tax rate in the country?
Canada has universal healthcare, though. Its system is a lot more affordable than the US. I did see somewhere that Canadas happiness scale was higher than the USA, too.
Is it so great?
Yeah it is. People just dont get healthcare here because they cant afford it.
I disagree but maybe I am biased because in the US my wife's dad was on an operating table two weeks after his cardiologist determined he needed a pacemaker and here in Canada my dad needed to wait 6 months just to get an MRI to determine he had Parkinsons and my wife needs to wait up to 15 months to have a surgery for a growth that might become cancerous. So pardon me if I am kind of sour on socialized medicine right now.
Hhhmm... I guess it depends on your case and experience. For the majority, l think being able go afford care is important. No system is perfect.
Would definitely agree with that.