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Video Description

Not sure if you've caught on, but something VERY strange has been happening to the money supply recently.
So in this video I break down what exactly is going on, and how you can use it to your advantage.
Time Stamps:
1:10 - Is The Fed Really Fighting Against Inflation?
5:55 - The Secret Stealth Pivot
11:45 - How To Watch Liquidity
20:20 - What Do We Do With This?
very necessary to listen to, thanks for sharing, I didn't know this channel
Mark is a great presenter. I have heard him on podcasts before but never really followed any of his content other than what you post.
What I like about this is I could send this to my wife or my normie friends and they would be able to follow.
I like getting his take on things that I'm still trying to wrap my head around.
I didn't understand his point about why global liquidity would increase dollar prices, while dollar liquidity is shrinking, but I've been trying to understand why prices aren't falling for a while. I thought his other explanation for it was better. Basically, so much liquidity was injected that prices are still catching up.
Would you mind a small zap for my kids' fun fact this week? I am not too ashamed to beg. Haha
Thanks for the zap. Now we know what SN algo thinks of you. You zapped big but still in third even though the other two have less zaps. Haha. Who is the god king that has zapped the one and two seed. We may never know.
I definitely have a sense that there are people out there who wield much greater zaprank power than I.