absolutely yes 34.6%
NO NO NO 38.5%
I don't care either way 3.8%
I support a ceasefire 23.1%
26 votes \ poll ended
the EU/US aren't "assisting" Ukraine. They're using it as a hammer to try to weaken a geopolicial rival, without success, all the while sending millions of their supposed "allies" to their deaths without reason or anything to show for it.
Meanwhile, blackrock and other Western multinational corporations are buying what can still be bought in Ukraine - mostly, arable land, much of it literally, as in, the fertile black soil is shipped out, and getting ready for billions of contracts for "rebuilding" (i.e., pocketing the money).
At the same time, old, obsolete military equipment that would have to be carefully dismantled in Western countries, because of environmental legislation, can now be shipped there to be burnt. Not only is this free - this also runs up bills to be paid by other entities later (the EU pays member states for this. In a situation where there is no "one state", but competing arms, these parts can now profit from their old junk).
Sums it up quite well; it's business for me some, trauma and death for many.
Cash cow for military industrial complex, death for Ukraine.
Ukraine has a manpower shortage. Many have left the country.
The article "Ukraine's Only Hope: Diplomacy + Neutrality" by John Mearsheimer discusses the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Mearsheimer argues that the best strategy for Ukraine and the West is to pursue diplomacy and neutrality, as military victory is unlikely and could lead to further escalation. He emphasizes that Ukraine's only hope lies in a negotiated settlement that addresses its security concerns while also considering Russia's interests. The article highlights the need for a neutral Ukraine, which would renounce its NATO aspirations and not host NATO forces on its territory, in exchange for multilateral security guarantees and the possibility of EU membership[1][2][3].
Sources [1] Ukraine's Only Hope: Diplomacy + Neutrality https://mearsheimer.substack.com/p/ukraines-only-hope-diplomacy-neutrality?r=2jojiv&triedRedirect=true [2] The Talks That Could Have Ended the War in Ukraine - Foreign Affairs https://www.foreignaffairs.com/ukraine/talks-could-have-ended-war-ukraine [3] The Diplomatic Path to a Secure Ukraine https://quincyinst.org/research/the-diplomatic-path-to-a-secure-ukraine/ [4] What should Ukraine do next? - by Lawrence Freedman https://samf.substack.com/p/what-should-ukraine-do-next [5] Escalation, Red Lines, Risk and the Russo-Ukraine War https://samf.substack.com/p/escalation-red-lines-risk-and-the [6] Ukraine's Only Hope: Diplomacy + Neutrality - John's Substack https://mearsheimer.substack.com/p/ukraines-only-hope-diplomacy-neutrality
I agree with you.
I used “assist” to be concise and lazy
oh yeah, i got that from the option "NO NO NO"...
'Don't care either way', not because I like wars but I think both Russia and Ukraine are equally responsible for it. Everyone says that Putin is the culprit but that's just seeing the one side of the coin.
Ukraine has been lobbying for EU and NATO membership , fully aware this would provoke Russia
what is worst case scenario for Ukraine falling?
Russia conquers 40 percent of Ukraine
Russia won’t and can’t take over all of Ukraine
"Everybody wants to change the world but noone wants to die" Gerard Way
It's not an assist they mock Ukrainian people with their behavior
Absolutely yes!
Because Ukrainians cannot fight on their own, and have some suckers invading their country.
Should we send American troops to Ukraine?
I don’t know.
But Ukraine can’t fight on its own
I’m quoting you
You can’t kick Russians of Ukraine with sticks at hands. This is what I meant.
Russians of Ukraine? I don’t understand