My Contest Entry! You're welcome. I'm Herschel Sterling and I'm here to help.
The way is really to listen to the podcast. All the links I mention are at the link above. Sorry for not doing it but I'm so busy right now.
This is a Special Holy Dispensation: Everybody wants control. Do you want control? If you don’t want to control your life, you must be happy with the times.
You worked. That’s your money, right? You traded some time and some moments from your conscious existence for some money. Now, since you traded moments and time from your precious conscious life, that money you traded for must be yours, right? RIGHT! Well!
No. It’s not, it’s not yours. They can hold it up or take it from you, because you know, if you know what the definition of genocide is, and you see a genocide happening, and you say you see it, then you can be disciplined against hate speech, because when one country is committing a genocide against another country, and you can see that, and you point it out, then that means that you are PRO-genocide… right? That’s right. That’s a good stupid person.
Let’s remember the old days of paypal. Remember paypal? It was so easy to just make a purchase, or to pay someone online. It took a couple of days for bank activity to go through, but it was OK for the time, right? They decided that you and the really nice, American, non-violent people you’re working with might be terrorists, so when you made a transaction, they would hold it for 21 days “for your own good because you might be a bad person and we have to check this money out in case it’s dangerous.” Not because they want to hold your money for 21 days to make interest on it while they slander you and your employer about being potential criminals.
The thing where there is this needle, and they say it’s a “vaccine” and that if you take it, you’ll stop a sickness, and then you take it, and you get sick, and it maybe kills you, or at least the thing they said was a vaccine is literally killing people all over the world, but you have to keep taking it, or else you are pro-mass death? But now, if you won’t take it because you don’t want to get hurt from it, or die, and you want people to stop dying from it, you say that, and now you are pro-mass death for big anti-mass death, and they can take your job or your bank account. You know? Like that?
You are seeing the value of this. It’s starting to kick in how bizarre and stupid this is, and that we really don’t have to tolerate this. There is always a workaround for authoritarianism, until they start killing people from the air, we have options. Let’s be very clear in this scenario. We know who the honest people are, and we know who the criminals are.
These are the basic, beginning things that you should do to put yourself in a position to be able to make the best decision.
In the past 30 years, SCOTUS has ruled that not only do their police forces have no obligation to protect you, but the banks are not required to protect your money. If something goes wrong, they have an out, you do not. You’ve already lost that battle.
Your Currency Represents Your TIME
Protect your money from the criminals who want to cut you off when you behave like a human. They want to condition you, and they only want deadly people to be prosperous. They only want mediocre people who are willing to tolerate and participate in their crimes to have prosperity.
Use a cold wallet for storing your currency. This is the safest way to do it. This is a “wallet” that is locked, and it’s not connected to any outside systems until you decide to. You are the only one who has access to it, and you decide how to access it.
Stay off the exchanges as much as possible. Use exchanges for trivial amounts of currency, or to convert your currency for your banking needs. The exchanges have purposes, but storage is not one of them. Connect only one exchange to your bank. I like UPHOLD. It’s what I need to do any simple tasks I need for moving things.
Hold all the bitcoin you can, until it grows enough to trade for gold.
Set up a separate bitcoin account where you put 10-20% of everything you earn toward paying the extortion to the government. If we had protection systems, that would be one thing, but we do not, so it’s just extortion.
Lightning wallets are for the internet. It’s code that integrates Satoshis (The Bitcoin Unit) with enabled internet sites. I use the one called ALBY. It’s the best one for beginners, IMO. Let’s suppose that using Alby, someone is earning about 5 USD in Satoshi per day. Not much. Let’s say that is a stable number. That is around $1900 for the year. That’s just extra dough for having fun and learning about Bitcoin.
Join Stacker.News and start learning and slowly earning Satoshis. This is a great place to learn all the things you need to know, and also have good, entertaining, intelligent interaction with others on a whole range of issues, including Bitcoin and everyday, interesting, fun topics. Use my referral link. Stacker is a lot of fun. It’s kind of reminiscent of the early days of the internet. When you go there, it is a good place to learn everything you can.
What do you think? Is your life worth a sh*t? Is citizenship a protected office in America? Do you trust your representation in the government, where the people who work there are snatching up properties in non-extradition states as fast as they can?
What about the currency of the moments of your life that you trade with others for some fiduciary currency for your survival and prosperity? Is that worth anything to you? What do you think? You feel good about entrusting those moments to a system that will watch you work your life away and leave you under a bridge when they change the rules on you and then are done with you? What about that?
I’m looking forward to comments and whatever good advice and additional info I can get here. Thanks.
And if you can see what I’m doing here, you must know I have felt and known firsthand of what I speak. Things are and have been very difficult. I will not use censorship sites for my writing. No BlewitTube. No Social Media. I don’t use paypal or any of that because they are vile people who have nothing but contempt for honest people. I had been a human rights/ civil rights, civil liberties volunteer for 20 years. I helped to destroy truly vile political criminals and abusers and I have been financially destroyed over it. It scares people when they see what the anti-human rights forces have done to me and to others who stand up.
YouTube doesn’t censor to protect you. They do it to hide the crimes of their donors.
Paypal and other money services don’t hold your money to protect you. They do it to make money on your interest, and they have no concern about how it disrupts your life or the businesses you work for. This is not about the American economy for them.
DON’T BE TRAINABLE. Your banks are training you to think that you do not control or own your own moments and that you have nothing to say about how much, when, or if you get paid.