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The collapse of reproduction rates in Western societies gives rise to a whole range of consequences, symptoms, causes and forecasts. Let us concentrate on two things in the German case: firstly, it is remarkable that the slowly recovering birth rate collapsed completely with the clown flu. It can therefore be said that the encroaching policy of lockdowns and media psycho-terror has had a psychological knock-on effect, causing people to lose hope for the future, planning horizons and psycho-political certainties. Well done, you communists! And secondly, it will be interesting to see how long German politicians can maintain the massive expansion of their overpriced welfare state in the face of the demographic cliff that is now coming to a head. In a few years, 1.3 employees will have to finance one pensioner. Added to this are over 50 billion euros in annual benefits for illegal refugees. And the trend is rising here too. But the Germans wouldn't be the Germans if they didn't already have their solutions ready with the precise engineering skills of typical welfare state engineers: special budgets and creative accounting that help to obscure the view of reality and allow the slowly decaying welfare state carcass to stagger around a little longer. Please, dear Federal Reserve: hike the rates to kill the European Commie Money Printer as fast as possible to save what's left of this former prosperous society!
One more comment: of course the mainstream media directly link the growing reluctance to have children to the hallucinated climate change. It's simply hilarious!
There's a scarier hypothesis about why fertility has declined post-covid: the experimental injections harmed reproductive health.
I haven't followed up on this recently, but there was some reporting about increased miscarriage rates and they've acknowledged disruptions to menstrual cycles.
This is the root of my concern that we may have gone through a point of no return, already. Thanos snapped, as it were.
Just last night I listened to Tucker Carlson's latest, with Steve Kirsch and Bret Weinstein. They estimate that the mortality from the shots themselves caused 3.5 times the mortality of the virus. So it stands to reason that they also harmed reproductive health.
BTW - if you want to relatively easily find the things you're not meant to find, switch from standard search sites to Yandex.com (russian). Their censorship algorithm is different from the standard search sites, and the below link popped right up, unlike on standard search sites.
Thank You. Good advice
That's really frightening. We need to cut back the welfare state and start building nuclear families that fight like a batallion together against the state
I think there are more consequences than people realize from getting the injections. We dont really know how it will affect the society yet, we are only two years out from it? But there are a lot of cases of cancer, especially in the younger generation, which is really concerning.
Imagine s.o. having confidence in the state and its health care advice...
There are always sheeple in the world. Everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon when they are shivering in fear.
But when they wake up You got hell on earth
I certainly wondered if this is why Kate Middleton got cancer so young.
It seems that the demographic scale is also sinking in Germany, it's a shame to see what Germany is becoming, a communist paradise, we'll see how it comes out of this, because every time I read something about Germany, it's more sunk in the mud
My recent Uber driver has 5 kids, all of them adult age, and he said none of them want kids. I asked him why and he said, "they see what's going on in the world and don't want to bring more people into it." This is the answer people commonly give but I'm afraid it's not true. If it's true, we can fix the state of the world and people will start having kids again. My fear is facts or narrative have people believing their lives are better without kids.
I believe that the welfare state has broken the generational bond and that having children is becoming increasingly difficult and no longer makes sense for many people
I see that the fertility rate is t only deteriorating in Germany. In fact it's happening to the most of the countries. I believe the good levels are only between 1.25 to 1.75.
So, I think Germany is holding on to its fertility. They can easily maintain it with small efforts. After all, reproduction is a natural phenomenon for humans.
If the conditions are good for a happy life, Germans will be reproducing more. 😜