I could shed some light here :), I have some boots on the ground. The article is the classic pump and dump that all "crypto" wallets (lemon/belo) use and add to FOMO.
When the price of BTC skyrocket the "bitcoin demand" surge, but only to cashout to stable shitcoins at the first downturn. Almost 80% of the economy move in a "black" market, and the "caves" adopt USDC/USDT as an easy way to manage dollars.
At the beginning there was a good BTC community but most of it "turn" to shitcoinery when ETH and the "new" crypto assets bubble popout, all the meetups and events turn to this new shinning thing
I am aware only by this "core" BTC community that only talk about BTC https://lacrypta.ar/. The old gang seems to sell off, https://bitcoinargentina.org/ (bitcoin and cryptomonedas), https://agenda.labitconf.com/ (NFT talks/web3)