Hey Freaks,
Its your favorite dev larp here (TheWildHustle), just reporting on my one year dev journey so far.
TheWildHustle initially started out with 100 days of python on replit (Never Finished got to day 50) Then Hustle gravitated towards the plebdev and nostr dev courses (Never finished the nostr dev course) With help Hustle was able to submit a PR to Lnbits to fix an issue with their account manager Hustle volunteered to create a nostr login for friendstr....... (Never got the thing working)
Nowadays Hustle is using the github as
  • A temporary location for the Freedom Tech Wrap podcast script
  • Storing and updating Nix OS flakes/Home manager stuff
  • A location for poorly designed, noob sauce, coding projects
  • A place to track, and swoon over, FOSS projects
Road map
  • Selfishly use the Nix OS territory to level up nix skills and post the latest Nix news for sats
  • Get more acquainted with, and regularly write code for, an open source project (probably SN, Lnbits, or Cashu
  • Update and play around with the projects already in my repo
  • Finish Nostrdev/Plebdev courses, workshops and tutorials
TheWildHustle should be pretty dangerous in a year, if this pace keeps up.
Shout out to @bitcoinplebdev and @captain_stacks for keeping the dream alive.
Keep the noob sauce flowing! 🤙🏼
Watch out for bugs, they can pop up from the least expected places. Be vigilant! :)
Yo thanks for sharing your journey and huge congrats on your first FOSS contribution!
The first year is definitely the hardest. You're doing the right thing by trying new projects and getting your hands dirty as much as possible.
Feel free to reach out anytime if I can help