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Today the world doesn't look to me driven by ethics and morality, it concerns me a lot! A man could not survive as a sovereign individual, a man cannot trade alone. I try to keep my personal values safe, try to keep them clean and unpolluted by all the noise that come across, sometime as surprise of unwanted facts.
Had the luxury to grow up surrounded by nature, silence, quietness and the beauty of a world dominated by powerful energy that create and nurture what we breathe, eat and shit. Nature is defined by fractals and flows that we can only perceive, hard to define, categorize and put in a basket or another. Things change, constantly, and we also are in power to make them change. It's your choice, it's my choice, are our choices, we chase freedom, but we do not feel safe. Freedom is not a destination and cannot be achieved in safety environments. Freedom include taking risk and stepping out in the unknown for discovery and learning.
I'm just wondering how economics works today, mostly driven by interest, personal interest. Sometimes I feel like things are going in the right direction with the ESG, B-corp thing, horizontal and teal organizations and even the DAOs look's like a great way to make things work differently, at least for those joining these clubs. It looks to me a nice move to create closed and safe economies where external factors cannot be influential as they could probably be in the open. Eve if driven by great principles, these innovative approaches easily get absorbed by the market sharks, let's profit from it!
Exploring the Value4value model could have brought us all in a different pathway, but not. It's getting commercialized and feels it also start to be misunderstood. Until we continue placing money as our main value, it will be no change. Bitcoin is our plan B, you heard that already. So why continuing stacking? It's that your main goal? Really? We learn about PoW and we struggle doing it without the insurance of rewards. Life isn't about stacking, you'll be too old when those sats will be work something meaningful to provide you the change you are expecting. Do you want to be the next saylor? Think about it, I feel this is a rat race again, we do have only 21M and everyone running to get s/he part. Value is always intangible, but as humans we tend to define it with material objects that indirectly provide us some value.
Natural law deal with this contrast sharply with an approach favored by economists, where rational individuals maximize effort based on given preferences, and where human welfare is some aggregate of individual satisfaction. The individual itself cannot indeed be satisfied by and from itself. It requires a community to exchange and learn with. At the end of the day, we are social animals, we have evolved to be, and we are still now. The natural law approach is not consequentialist, and its moral realism contrasts with subjectivism of the current economic approach. A natural law approach also contrasts sharply with deontological approaches.
Given the ubiquity of reflection about economic matters, and the historical dominance of natural law approaches to ethics, it would be surprising if the two had not interacted. Or are maybe part of the same? Expositions of the theory typically begin with an account of human action, emphasizing the centrality of free choice. This contrasts sharply with the economists approach to human action, where the good is understood as merely as the satisfaction of individual preferences.
Commodities are treated very differently by economists and new natural law theorists; for the economist, they are ‘goods’ over which an individual’s income and time are allocated to satisfy preferences. This implies commensurability of the ‘goods’ for the economist. Desires are reduced to preferences over commodities. For natural law, commodities are not goods, and do not straightforwardly generate goods.
This however is going into topics I was not willing to touch, indeed I was more curious to know which connections from your perspective could be done in this regard? What could bring natural law and economics together, driven by community values instead of individual outcomes? Which virtues should be driving this change? What are your thoughts on the current economy and how natural law are or aren't applying to it? Could a different definition of value be the key to better embrace natural law? Or should natural law be embraced only by the individual?
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