I've been thinking about something similar that will be relevant (I think) for my next "Tough Questions for Libertarians" post. It goes in a slightly different direction though. I was thinking about the undue confidence people have when just repeating approved talking points. It's a pet peeve of mine, because I feel incredibly irritated that those people don't realize that I've heard their talking point already and rejected it for a better argument.
As an aside, I suggest substituting "mass murder campaign" for "war". "War" is another one of the state's magic words that "justifies" unspeakably evil unjust behavior. Imagine if a criminal fled from the police and hid in a school full of children, so the cops just blew up the whole school. Would any of us accept the stupid "human shield" justification? No! Say the magic "war" incantation though and all of a sudden murdering a bunch of innocent kids is ok.
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Great analogy with the human shield.
I got it from Dave Smith. Even as someone who was already staunchly antiwar it made me reevaluate just how deeply inherently evil this statist construct is.
Ah, good ole Dave. Respect.