If the incentives of the social internet are status and validation, if the social internet is merely a convenient venue to get what we want from other humans, proliferation of strong AI will kill it because AI will digitally represent us better than we do.
It's an evocative thought. But isn't this kind of already the case? Most of us spend a ton of our discretionary time watching people who are smarter, more attractive, more capable, and more interesting than we are, either in fiction (movies, TVs), or in actuality (sports, reality TV). When you consider how many cycles are spent not living, but simply watching quasi-super-beings live, it makes you wonder what additional delta AI will bring to it.
I thought about addressing this but got lazy.
I don't know the answer, but would we watch as much TV if the actors/participants/creators/writers weren't human? If we would, then that's enough to convince me my conclusion is wrong.
I guess I don't know why we watch so much TV if it isn't to safely study what we know are other people or creations of other people.