The part about shoddy children's videos being made by AI scared the hell out of me. Poisoning our bodies with fiat food and our children's minds with fiat content.
I know the quality is likely to increase but the fact that we're already seeing unsupervised content creation means we're going to see a lot more factually/ethically questionable AI generated content out there. And that doesn't even factor in intentional propaganda or malicious actors.
I think that's a valid concern, but if we're concerned about it, we're concerned about something changing. So what changes and how do you think we'll cope with it?
I don't know exactly how it's going to change but I suspect AI generated content will start to take the place of the "google" content discovery/verification function.
I see a lot of potential for growth but also for exploitation & propaganda.
Ideally, people would have their own personal AI assistants with open source that could act sort of like their "information lawyer" and warn them when something questionable comes up, your personal assistant flags it and warns you.
My biggest concern of all is that humans lose the motivation or ability to think critically and analyze the information they're presented with. Public schooling has already done a great job of attenuating this mental faculty and I worry it will further atrophy in The Age of AI Convenience.