I haven't actually read many btc books actually. I only have read the more technical ones (programming bitcoin, mastering bitcoin, mastering lightning network, etc). Since I'm largely focused on lightning these days I'll say mastering lightning network is my favorite btc book :)
Non bitcoin book, I guess I have to go with cryptonomicon since it's where my pseudonym comes from.
As for my building journey I don't think there's really a book I would recommend there. I think I've learned way more by actually building and then reading and watching docs/guides/tutorials/youtube to help get me unstuck.
Hard to pinpoint something that I would want to tell my younger self other than to mine bitcoin in 2009. I don't have many regrets in my life thus far, things have worked out pretty well.
I think maybe I would have said to not spend so much time playing video games. While I think they ultimately lead me towards becoming a software engineer, I probably spent way too much time with them when I was in middle/high school.