Alive Guests

  1. Dirk Nowitzki
    • Insights into international sports, personal growth, and the life of a high-caliber athlete.
  2. Ben Bernanke
    • Unique perspectives on global economics, the 2008 financial crisis, and the intricacies of monetary policy.
  3. Dave Chappelle
    • Sharp, insightful commentary on societal issues, race, and the human condition, mixed with humor.
  4. Bonus: Ricky Gervais
    • Comedic and philosophical musings on life, fame, religion, and human behavior.

Deceased Guests

  1. George Carlin
    • Legendary observations on society, language, and the absurdities of human behavior, especially in the context of modern social media.
  2. Milton Friedman
    • Advocacy for free-market capitalism, offering deep dives into economic theories and their applications.
  3. John Maynard Keynes
    • Perspectives on government intervention in the economy and debates on economic policies.
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