When my nephew was around 5 years old, he became obsessed with construction vehicles after watching some videos of excavators and bulldozers at work. It started innocently enough with him making engine noises and pretending to operate an imaginary digger. But soon, he was begging his parents for toy trucks and construction sets. For his birthday, they caved and got him a deluxe construction vehicle set with miniature trucks, diggers, cranes and the works. For the next few weeks, he could hardly be separated from those toys. He'd line them all up meticulously and narrate elaborate building projects, moving the vehicles around with utmost care. As adults, we often lose that sense of wonder over material things in the pursuit of more practical goals. I'm glad you let your son experience that childlike thrill over his lion dance head. Those are the moments that shape warm memories for years to come.
Thank you for taking the time to share this heartwarming story. It makes me want to discard my fatigue and work harder as a dad haha