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If the state (cops) automatically take sides of owner then that basically ends the purpose of a contract, since it offers almost no practical protection to a renter....
The bigger problem here is DoS-ing the legal system. Sure the police can evict someone today, but the same thing will happen tomorrow and the same squatter will do it elsewhere. It doesn't take much to grind the entire system to a halt....
this territory is moderated
Private solution exists.
Hire a professional to shoot and kill squatter
that basically ends the purpose of a contract
I disagree. The owner has something to lose in civil court and damages could be severe for contract breeches. If the cops don't evict tenants who aren't paying their rent, the exact same argument could be made about ending the purpose of a contract. Maybe that's part of your point though.
The bigger problem here is DoS-ing the legal system.
I agree and part of what bothers me about this issue is that the solution is pretty clear and very ugly. People will start violently reclaiming their homes from squatters and the likelihood that invading someone's home will get you killed will act as the deterrent.