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I am not a native English speaker and I have a question for those who are. Can you please help me?
Is Grammarly a helpful tool for non-native English speakers to improve their writing, or does it make it sound unnatural?
I'm finding it a bit challenging to distinguish between these two things. Sometimes I feel that my writing improves with Grammarly suggestions, but I worry it could sound like AI-generated text. Perhaps the solution lies somewhere in the middle.
Please share your honest thoughts on this matter.
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Was your original post written with Grammarly? (I can only find one fault if I was being critical).
It was written by me, it was improved by some grammarly suggestions.
Please, share the fault you found.
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The phrase ‘non-native’ is a nice alternative to ‘not a native English speaker’ (and you use that phrase later). And an alternative to ‘in middle’ you could use ‘perhaps the solution lay somewhere between the two.
That's the problem when you are a non-native English speaker: finding which alternative fits best in a sentence is difficult.
Thanks for your comment.
What about you, are you a native or non-native English speaker?
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Good for you! Best way to be fluent in a language is to live in an English-speaking country. Never had this opportunity in my life.
My native language is Albanian.