I think that's right, and was just talking to my wife about it last night. Here's the optimistic thought that I gave to her: all of this has happened before.
The foundational institutions, and critical cultural practices of society, are always upended around significant technological revolutions. The printing press, which we think of as an amazing creation of almost Platonic virtue, imploded people's lives and introduced massive death, carnage, and upheaval into the world.
And then, over decades and centuries, the world adapted to the new forces that had been set free. The same will happen again; and given the pace of change, it's possible we won't have to all crawl through blood and shit to get there.
My wife did not find the comfort in it that I had hoped for, however.
Yes we will muddle our way thru this.
Personally, I think that "God" will make big come back. When faced with a very low-trust world, people will go back to the primacy of spiritual belief, since it transcends mere human truth.
Hopefully but I think it will be small comeback
I hope I am wrong
First time for everything