The Bisq Dashboard is excellent, thank you for creating that.
How did that come to be something added to Mempool? i.e., did Bisq request it, or you just wanted to scratch your own itch, or ???
Mempool has a tight partnership with Bisq from the start. Wiz, the co-founder of Mempool previously did work for Bisq and knew they needed to completely rewrite their legacy super slow PHP explorer, so adding it as a Layer2 network rewritten in more modern technologies was a good addition to Mempool as it always goes inline with our vision to support the full Multi layer Ecosystem of Bitcoin. Mempool is now the official block explorer for Bisq.
One suggestion I might add for the Bisq Dashboard is that the volume is in BTC only. I'ld like to also see in the chart the volume in USD equivalent (or if not in the chart, at least the USD amount showing parens when it shows the amounts for that date when hovering).
The Bisq explorer have very low priority for us unfortunately. You may make the suggestion by open a Github issue in our repo or in the Bisq repo so that it can be noted and prioritized.