Did you see that yesterday a top post here on SN was for Mempool?
Strangely, the link for that post was to the home page, not even the mining page.
Difficulty Adjustment (-5.01%) - Third Negative Adjustment in a Row #47904 https://mempool.space
I was able to use the Pools Dominance chart to help answer a question asked, ... how to tell which pools had the biggest dip in hashrate (with now three of the last four difficulty adjustments being decreases).
That's a nice feature I hadn't even noticed before. Any other features coming for the /mining dashboard?
I just remembered. We have a big feature coming up for the mining dashboard regarding block prediction comparison and statistics!
The mining dashboard and all related graphs was a big feature we worked on for several months and is considered done for the time being. Focus is on other areas at the moment but we will continue to add more graphs and stats in the Mining dashboard as people request for it.