Wow, that's interesting. I didn't know you could do something like that. I'm really sorry for your struggle and the lost of your pup! He looks like he was a very loving, happy, friendly doggo! May He have fun sliding down the rainbows of Heaven! 🕊️
Thank you for the kind words! When I first read about it I was skeptical but the science actually works out! It helps to that the company is so open and honest as well and I know he is looking down at me smiling! Plus its been raining the last few days where I am and even though he was a golden retriever he was terrified of water! He wouldn't go outside no matter how long the storm lasted! My favorite story about him is my parents live in Houston so during Hurricane Harvey he went 17 hours without going to the bathroom. My dad finally just picked him up and my mom carried and umbrella over him and they stuck him in the middle of the backyard (while covered with an umbrella mind you) to finally use the bathroom!
He was truly a goofball and one of a kind!