The concern you state here is a major concern for businesses and the cause for them to not join the lightning network. We want the entire world to move to better financial rails with lightning, but fintechs won't cross the Rubicon if it risks compliance (where they spend their money). Our initial release of Reflex contains the components necessary for lightning businesses to manage their risk exposure when building on Lightning while preserving privacy. It's not a one size fits all approach and allows for each business in their respective jurisdictions to set and operationalize their policies in the absence of clear rules. Reflex will be a much bigger product of which risk management is a small component, but it will unlock access to the world of finance outside of lightning.
After listening to how visa was formed and now this landmark case they lost merchants are chomping at the bit to save money on swipe fees. Bitcoin lightning payments are an obvious no brainer. It is a way better network than visa.
But I honestly think merchants don’t adopt it yet because
  1. Bitcoin still isn’t treated like cash
  2. Bitcoiners really underestimate the Amount of fraud these merchants have to deal with. Who wants to be wiped out in a lawsuit because they accepted bitcoin payments and found liable some spoof.