It doesn't help that the IMF said "You'll own nothing and be happy" in their video either...
I do understand how some marketing idiot though that this would be a cool slogan.
Being happy? Yes please I want to be happy. And not owning stuff is awesome - using Uber is so convenient over having a car: it's always everywhere, it doesn't loose 50% of its value in the first year, it doesn't need repair all the time, gas price. Not owning furniture and moving into a finished apartment is awesome. Renting electric scooters is awesome. Etc. Possessions are dragging you down and one day you don't own stuff but the stuff owns you. Yes please I want to own nothing and be happy.
But it feels like a slap in the face when someone from the lower class who doesn't own a lot hears it. Or someone from the middle class struggling to keep his buying power in inflation hears this from some suit wearing rich person.
Maybe this was the worst decision of the decade.
It was more than marketing. It is a plan and the scenario was painted with that story of the girl living in the city with the surrendered acceptance of total surveillance and checkpointing, wondering what came of the people outside the cities who were "lost along the way"