Thinking principally of this one in the Capital Formation series.
To be clear, you should be playing me the world's smallest violin, because I earned almost 4k sats on that. But it's also true that I worked on it every day for a week, let's say ... 3 hours of work to compile, edit, etc. [1]
I did / do those things (and everything here) mostly for myself, but I can't lie and say it didn't take the wind out of my sails a little bit.
[1] If it doesn't seem like it contains 3 hours of work, that's testament to me being ... obsessive about some stuff.
Looks like I had already given it my standard great post zap and it's up to 13k now.
I think there's a small cadre of people who put posts over 10k and it's somewhat random if they'll see your post quickly.
Darth mentioned to me that he circles back through and gives big zaps to posts that generated a lot of good comments.