of course these numbers only consider the official government cpi inflation rates which have been altered to make inflation look lower than it really is.
it’s not crazy to think that more than half the world is living under double digit or inflation right now when considering the real costs consumers face are being underreported by governments.
and that’s not to say anything about the declining quality of products that people spend their money on.
That implies that more than half the world is losing half their wealth in 5 years or less. That's devastating. The Fiat system is responsible for unimaginable cruelty.
fascinating perspective, hadn’t thought about it like that before.
it feels like even in the bitcoin community, the scale of the fiat wealth destruction happening right now is underappreciated.
https://nitter.it/gladstein/status/1550598911173152768 <-- Shows the thread in a single, easy-to-read, web page