Stacker News Bug Report


The stacked type on the satistics page is displaying multiple results with identical values for date, hour, and sats received (see screenshot bellow). Each result should ideally present distinct date/time entries along with the corresponding amount of sats received at that specific instance.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Navigate to the satistics page.
  2. Select the stacked type to view the data representation.
  3. Observe the repeated values for date, hour, and sats received across multiple entries.

Actual Result:

The current presentation of data under the stacked type showcases duplicated values for date, hour, and sats received, deviating from the expected individualized entries.

Expected Result:

The stacked type should accurately depict unique date and time entries alongside the corresponding sats received for each specific timestamp, eliminating data repetition.


My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. Hehe. This issue compromises the accuracy and integrity of data visualization on the statistics page, potentially leading to confusion.
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