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Didn't know about SCAMPER.
I did not go through all the details of the method, but it seems to align with my core belief that creativity is rooted in a thorough understanding of what already exists. You can only make creative and unexpected links if you have solid blocks to build with. Most of my most impactful research and current high-impact publications build on years of previous development of computational tools. Of course, I cannot claim Nobel-prize worthy results, but many Nobel prizes are just the culmination of many years of preliminary work by other researchers in the world.
And to bring it back to Bitcoin, Satoshi's main contribution was to bring together years of previous disparate ideas going around in the Cyberphunk world into one coherent product that is Bitcoin. That's one of the reasons I believe Satoshi must be someone who was already active in the field before.
I agree with you. It’s akin to writing. One must know and master the basic rules of writing before he can try something unorthodox.
Have you ever encountered plateaus in your work? Do you always know the next level to attain wrt your work?
This is true when your building in the Bitcoin ecosystem you are building on the shoulders of giants who came before you.