Overall, I feel most of us are disappointed in the sentencing and most are worried he will get out much quicker than the 25-year sentence would say. I think this nicely highlights the issues he is going to face about that as the Judge commented there was a risk he could do something very bad again in the future.
In the world of white-collar crimes as well this is the second longest sentence behind Bernie Madoff when it comes to recent times and massive billion-dollar business fraud.
He'll still be rich AF from hidden $BTC and have to hide.
I'd be surprised if he had any BTC. Did you ever hear him talk about bitcoin? I think he believed his own BS. That said, he comes from wealth. He'll be OK financially.
I mean since he was also fined $11 billion it is going to be hard for him to ever access possible hidden BTC and use it to his benefit. The government has been and will be if released all over him and tracking his crypto. It's one of the reasons many companies have formed partnerships with trackers like Chainanalysis who have been able to track down crypto.