I’m getting various error messages when trying to set up 1of2 or 2of2 multisig wallets (1 have 2 TapSigners). Anyone else having issues? 1of1 is working for me.
There's a corresponding post, here on SN:
Coinkite Tap Protocol implemented in C++ #48694 https://github.com/nunchuk-io/tap-protocol
And there is now another post, here on SN, with additional comments:
Signing Bitcoin transactions via one-tap NFC is now officially available! #48728 https://twitter.com/nunchuk_io/status/1550896365097455617 https://nitter.it/nunchuk_io/status/1550896365097455617 <-- Shows the thread in a single, easy-to-read, web page
The link for this post uses a read-only front-end for Twitter, which can be easier to read for viewing a full Twitter thread. The Tweet that kicked off the thread is: