got burned by the hot-mess that is LND
Yep, I don't understand why that program is so popular, it's a mess, or at least it was some years ago. I hope it is now better.
I'm about to fire up a new node and it will be on CLN
Good idea, but take into consideration it is more technical, and even if it is more stable than LND, the plugins thing is a mess. Also there are less developers.
helped accelerate liquidity, connections and education for plebs learning about lightning
That's beautiful! I did the same and helped some guys in Telegram to do that. But most of them stopped running a node, too low liquidity and very difficult to maintain over time.
Small node for private use
Think about it. Why? I have right now Electrum with 5 channels and it is doing extraordinary well, no problem whatsover, and even it has the option of doing submarine swaps and auto balance. What more do you need?